Science4Peace Fund: A bit of History
Thursday, 30. September 2021 00:00
In 2021 at my retirement party, a donation was handed over to me, collected among his present and former PhD students and PostDocs. I was deeply impressed, and thought that I should not spend the donation for my private fun but rather use it in the spirit of how so many students had a chance to start their career in Particle Physics within our DESY CMS group.
Many students have difficulties to buy and pay for plane tickets etc, even if they are invited for a summer-student project, conferences, internships or PhD program. Other scientists may have difficulties to finance their research visit. In the past, I tried to help on a private basis, but now with this donation, we can launch a small grant to pre-finance such trips.
This fund is called Science4Peace Fund since I believe the scientific exchange over all borders helps for a more peaceful world, but for the scientific exchange to work, people must have similar chances to participate in meetings and workshops. With the Science4Peace fund we make a very small step towards this goal.
Since a few months, after the terrible war against Ukraine started, internet and ZOOM access was restricted, and also the Science4Peace Forum had to move to independent ZOOM account and web spaces. The Science4Peace Fund was already used to buy an independent ZOOM account and host the Science4Peace webpage. The ZOOM account is not only used for Science4Peace meetings, but also for scientific meetings, like the Parton Branching discussion meetings (see here), or CASCADE discussion meetings (see here), since the discussion will be kept open to any scientist, independent of nationality or affiliation.
If you plan science meetings, and want to keep it independent of restrictions, you are welcome to contact us for a ZOOM meeting.
The Science4Peace fund can also support scientists at risk, can perhaps supply small financial help if needed.
If you want to know more about this initiative, please get in contact with us by writing an email directly to
If you wish to contribute to the Science4Peace Fund, you can donate directly with PayPal via the button below