Science4Peace Forum

Appeal: no use of nuclear weapons

Next meeting of the Science4Peace Forum:

Wednesday, 26 Oct, 17:00-18:30  - Appeal: no use of nuclear weapons

With the threat of the use nuclear weapons, scientists like anybody else, cannot stay silent. 
We plan to launch an appeal against any use of nuclear weapons or weapons of mass destruction,
and call all governments to sign the treaty on prohibition of nuclear weapons.

We will discuss the appeal (suggestions, critics and improvements are welcome)  
and how to advertise it to a large audience. 

Please communicate this invitation to everybody interested.

PS: All infos can be also found on


Intro slides

Further reading:

Nuclear Winter: Nature 579 26 March 2020Nature 608 25 August 2022

CIA analyst George Beebe about threat of nuclear war (Sueddeutsche Zeitung 11. Oct 2022, in german)

ICAN: Ican Member Flyer

Declaration: "Zur Debatte um den Einsatz von Atomwaffen im Ukraine Krieg: Kuba-Krise in Zeitlupe" Verein Deutscher Wissenschafter (VDW) (in german)