Science4Peace Forum

Science4Peace: Pacifism - a Defense

Wednesday, 25. Jan 2022, 17:00 (CET) on ZOOM

We are very happy to welcome 

Prof. Dr Olaf Mueller (Philosophy of Science at Humboldt University, Berlin) to talk about

Pacifism - a defense 

O. Mueller gave a radio interview on this at WDR5 on 17 Jan 2023 (download). A small book of him on "Pazifismus - Eine Verteidigung" is published at Reclam.

He also gave an intersting interview in "Wissenschaft & Frieden" from 21. March 2022.

We will also report about the latest news on the petition against nucelar weapons.


Intro & News (slides)

Pacifism - defense (O. Mueller) (Talk and disucssion: recordingchat )