Science4Peace Forum

Science4Peace: Discussion on Civil Clause at DESY

At an employee meeting at DESY,  the DESY directoratedeclared, they are rethinking about a formulation in the Guiding Principles statement[1]: "Our research pursues goals that are peaceful and serve civil society" 

In a position paper of the German Ministry of Education and Research BMBF is written[2]:
- The possibilities for better integration of military and civil research are to be addressed
- Exchange and cooperation between civil and military research institutions is to be intensified in order to put knowledge relevant for research security and German research capabilities on a broader footing and to strengthen inter- and transdisciplinary cooperation.
- whether the various types of civil clauses are still appropriate in view of the changed geopolitical conditions and how civil clauses can be designed so that they take adequate account of the increasingly difficult differentiation of research in view of multiple possibilities for its use.


Wednesday, June 19. 14:00 (Science4Peace ZOOM room)

Intro slides