Discussion on Workshops
The cooperation agreements between CERN and institutes in Russia (and Belarus it happened already earlier) ended by the end of Nov 2024.
It is, to my knowledge, the first time, that scientists are excluded from common projects, and are excluded from accessing data they collaborated to record.
For me this marks a date, where politics took over science.
In recent publications of German science foundations it was clearly said, that science plays now an enormous role in geo-politics, and therefore the exclusion of
scientists from CERN marks a very signifiant and important break. Already now, CERNs decision has created much frustration and disappointment.
I think, this policy is very bad and wrong, and I believe that we as scientists should do something against it.
One issue is for example workshops and conferences, where still some scientists stay excluded. We should be organizing new series of workshops, where the main basic criterion is, that there are no restrictions for anybody to connect, be it from remote or from certain countries. This sounds trivial, but apparently it is not the case in many workshops and conferences. Just to be clear: remote workshops do not exclude that people meet in person in a room to connect to the workshop, only there that there is NO main-room, discussions should take place such, that everybody can equally participate.
- Intro