
We Need Your Help

John Doe

Nam id urna psum

John Doe

Nam id urna psum


The Science4Peace Forum is a forum for discussion among scientists to promote science as a driver for peace.

We believe that scientific collaboration and cooperation across any border is important for the understanding of each other and for a discussion on eye-level between us. We are used to scientific disputes, based on facts, and we are all dedicated to a peaceful world and a peaceful living together. We are against any form of racism, nationalism, sexism.

We are dedicated to make our knowledge available to everybody and for the success of humanity. We believe a world without war and violence, a world where people can live peacefully together is possible and we are willing to push for it.

We are proud of our personal, international contacts and cooperations, we are proud of our scientific collaborations, and we are proud of our scientific collaboration across the world.

The war against Ukraine has changed many beliefs. We have worked together with scientists from many different countries, including scientists from Ukraine and Russia.

We condemn the war against Ukraine in strongest terms and request that the war must be stopped immediately.

We are shocked by the attack of Hamas against Israel on Oct 7 2023 and the murdering of so many people. We are shocked about the reaction on this attack, about the blockade and the bombing of Gaza and the killing of so many people. We mourn of the numerous victims in Israel and Gaza, and demand the liberation of the remaining hostages held by Hamas and the survival of the people in Gaza as top priority of any activities to stop this war. There is no alternative to an immediate humanitarian ceasefire.

We demand to involve the United Nations to negotiate a solution that Israelis and Palestinians can in live in peace together.

Impressum: Hannes Jung, Hamburg

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