Science4Peace Forum

Published Articles

Articles against the war:

Scientists Against War: A Plea to World Leaders for Better Governance (18. March 2022)

Rethinking Security (19. March 2022)

Sicherheit neu denken

Hamburg Declaration of IPPNW (2.May 2022)

Science4Peace: More important than ever (english)  Blog in Journal Wissenschaft & Frieden (German) (24 June 2022)

Lindau Nobel Laureate meeting 2022 (german version) - FAZ 9.July 2022

Science4Peace: jetzt wichtiger denn je (H. Jung, Blog in Wissenschaft & Frieden, 23. June 2022)

I’m a Physicist Who Doesn’t Want Russia to Leave the World of Science (NYT 22. Aug 2022)

Infinite negative consequences (english) (Interview H. Jung in DUZ 2022-08)

Science for peace? More than ever! ( H. Schopper, 5. Sept 2022, CERN courier)

Erich Vad: What are the war goals (english translation) (Interview with E. Vad, Emma, 12. Jan 2023)

Nobel laureates warn Ukraine crisis is bringing Europe closer to nuclear war (PhysicsWorld 17.Jan 2023)

Publikationen-Funkstille am CERN - Wie Russlands Angriffskrief die Wissenschaft entzweit (Der Spiegel 19. Jan 2023)

200 Studien unveroeffentlicht wegen Streit ueber Umgang mit russischem Angriffskrieg (DeutschlandFunk 25.Jan 2023)

Von einem Tag auf den anderen waren die Verbindungen gekappt (Der Spiegel, english version, 5.March 2023)

Vermaechtnis einer Pazifistin -  Antje Vollmer (english version) 25.Feb 2023

FriedensInitiative aus der Mitte der Gesellschaft (German and English version) (1. April 2023)

Peace in more than a dream - Frieden ist mehr als ein Traum (E. Jelinek, K. Wecker in Freitag 2023-08-30)

NATO Admits that Ukraine War is The War of NATO Expansion (J. Sachs, Columbia University, 2023-09-19)

-> Reply to article from J. Sachs (Open Letter)

How the chance was lost for a peace settlement of the Ukraine War (Michael von der Schulenburg Nov 2023)

Articles against Nuclear War:

Statement by the Working group for International Security and Arms Control (SICA) (in italian)

Statement by the Working group for International Security and Arms Control (SICA) (in english)

Articles on AI and war:

Does the Ukraine war lead to the development of more dangerous weapons systems? (Prof Karl Hans Bläsius, translated from Frankfurter Rundschau 13.June 2023)

Interviews and Podcasts:

Splitting the atomic scientists: how the Ukraine war ruined physics (The Guardian 15. Jan 2023)

Interview of H. Jung with VIPR (21. Jan 2023)

John Ellis (CERN, King's College) in ScienceWeekly Podcast of Guardian (7. Feb 2023)

Pazifismus versus Atomtod - Waffen fur die Ukraine (64. Pankower Waisenhausgespraech 16.3.2023)

Speaches at Peace Manifiestations:

Speech at Manifestation for Peace in Wedel (Germany) (text, in english)(4. March 2023)

Press Articles concerning CERN council decision

Geneva Observer (Feb 2024)

Science needs cooperation, not exclusion (CERN courier March 2024)

Removing Russia from CERN helps Putin, scientists fear (SwissInfo 8. May 2024)

CERN prepares to expel Russian scientists - but won't completely cut ties (Nature, Sept 2024)

Cern bricht Beziehungen zu Russland ab (Spiegel-online, copy Oct 2024)

Publications from the Science4Peace Forum:

Beyond a year of Sanctions in Science (arXiv , fulltext)

Science4Peace in difficult times (Proceedings European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP2023) 2023 (arXiv, link)

Science needs cooperation, not exclusion (H. Jung, in CERN courier, March 2024)

A Science4Peace initiative: Alleviating the consequences of sanctions in international scientific cooperation (March 2024, arXiv)

Publications concerning Civil Clause, military research, DESY, CERN:

Article in Hamburger Morgenpost (MoPo) 2024-06-28 (german/english, MoPo)

Article in "Der Freitag" 2024-08-01

Article in "Informationsstelle Militarisierung "We don't need no militarization" 2024-08-01